Do Your Customer's Use Safe Chain Slings?

It’s very possible that your customer’s may not realize that when selecting chain slings, it is important to distinguish between a high quality sling fabricated specifically for lifting heavy loads and one that is just picked up at a hardware store or made by someone who is “handy.”

All fabricated lifting equipment is required by OSHA to be rated and standardized by the following government organizations:

·       ASTM A906/A06M for fabrication
·       ASTM A952/A952M and ASME B30.19 for hooks
·       ASTM A952/952M/ASME B30.26 for rigging hardware other than master links
·       ASTM A391/A391M for Grade 80 chain and ASTM A973/A973M for Grade 100 chain

These organizations establish guidelines for lifting that will best enable riggers to use slings for overhead lifting and have adequate strength and durability to lift rated loads without damage to the loads or the users.

When selecting a partner for chain sling fabrication, there are several characteristics and top-notch attributes to look for in their chain slings:

·       They use high quality chain that is at least Grade 100.
·       They use high quality components that are at least Grade 100 and match the grade of the chain they are used with.
·       Their chain and hardware are clean, showing that working conditions are clean and used equipment has not been used.
·       Their sling tags are clean and easy to read; all load capacity, manufacturer, number of legs, reach and serial number is easy to distinguish.
·       Every chain sling includes a proof of testing certificate that matches the sling tag.

Before selecting a partner, ask to purchase a sling so that you can inspect the quality of the sling. Also pay attention to the level of service and ease of communication with the company. When you are ordering several pieces and need them in a timely manner, you want to make sure that you have a high level of trust in the manufacturer’s willingness and professionalism to help you meet your customer demands.

For information on becoming a Distributor for SlingMart, contact Steve Albertson at 844-961-0327 or email


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